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Charity Rugby Match Raises Over £1000 for Wooden Spoon Supporting Disabled and Disadvantaged Children

Charity Rugby Match Raises Over £1000 for Wooden Spoon Supporting Disabled and Disadvantaged Children


Bournemouth Rugby Club hosted a heartwarming charity rugby match on the 30th of December, bringing together local talent for a cause that goes beyond the field. The teams, Bournemouth Rugby and Wooden Spoon Wessex Barbarians, featured a mix of current and past Bournemouth Rugby players, creating an exciting spectacle for the supporters who gathered at the venue.

The day kicked off with an exhibition match featuring the enthusiastic Bournemouth Under 11s team, setting the stage for the main event. The Wooden Spoon Wessex Barbarians, including some notable Bournemouth Rugby players including Alan Manning, Loui Allum, Sam Hardcastle, Antony Fitch and Scott Chislett, faced off against Bournemouth Rugby in a thrilling contest that ended with a close scoreline of 47-41 in favor of Wooden Spoon Charity.

Wooden Spoon, a charitable organisation dedicated to supporting disabled and disadvantaged children, expressed their gratitude for the fantastic efforts of both teams. The charity’s Dorset, Wiltshire & Hampshire Barbarian Team secured the win, not just on the scoreboard but also in raising over £1000 through fundraising efforts during the event including an auction in the clubhouse following the game.

The funds raised will contribute to Wooden Spoon’s mission of making a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable children. The charity focuses on using the power of rugby to bring about social change, providing support and opportunities for those who need it most.

Wooden Spoon emphasised the significance of events like these in not only raising funds but also in raising awareness about their mission. The inclusion of the U11s in an exhibition match and the Bournemouth Rugby youth and mini section as the guard of honor added a touch of community spirit to the day.

The success of the charity match was celebrated by everyone involved, and Wooden Spoon expressed their heartfelt thanks to all those who contributed to making the event a resounding success. The community support showcased the power of rugby in making a positive impact beyond the field and highlighted the shared commitment to helping children through the sport.


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I’m so excited about the next few months. I say it every time I’m so proud of the dedication of our players, parents, coaches and volunteers. Without

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