Bournemouth Rugby

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Events and Club Engagement Co-ordinator

Events and Club Engagement Co-ordinator

group of people raise their hands on stadium


Bournemouth Rugby are seeking a volunteer to support them with Events and Club Engagement which in turn will support the club with their fundraising. The last two years have been particularly hard because of the pandemic and now the ongoing cost of living crisis. A club like Bournemouth lives off the generosity of others and fundraising relies heavily on local businesses sponsoring the club as and when they can. We are now only generating a third of the sponsorship prior to the start of the pandemic and these circumstances have led to the need for this new role. The engagement Co-ordinator will work with every section of the club from the youngest to the oldest helping to take the club to its 130th year.


This role is a voluntary role within Bournemouth Rugby and events and engagement will normally take place at Chapel Gate or sometimes within venues in BCP. Where the events take place is at the discretion of the job holder working alongside the Executive Committee.


This is an ongoing role all year to ensure that we can keep the club members and supporter engaged during the season and out of season as well.

Time Commitment

This is a flexible role, and the time you need to commit is dependent on the number of fundraising activities organised. The opportunity to meet regularly with the Club Executive Committee will ensure that you are fully supported within the role. It’s important that the holder of the role is involved specifically with the Finance Team so that fundraising targets can be set accordingly maximising the efficiency of the role.

Tasks involved

The number one task for the job holder is to raise as much funding as possible from the current list of stakeholders and engaging and working to bring new stakeholders to the club.

Attending meetings with operations team, Executive committee and club sections

Planning and organising club events including Fundraising events with the support of the Operations Team and Executive committee

Working with the Operations Manager to help recruit event volunteers.

If you are interested in applying for this role please email Becky Hill at with an expression of interest.
