Bournemouth Rugby

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Membership Terms and Conditions

By signing up to a Bournemouth Rugby membership (Membership), you (the Member) agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions (the Terms)

Please read this document carefully as the terms below apply to your Membership

  • If an individual is purchasing a membership on behalf of another person, they shall be deemed to have the authority to agree to these Terms
  • Where a Member receives a season ticket, the use of the season ticket is subject to the relevant terms and conditions
  • Members should inform the club of any changes to their contact details
  • The benefits of Membership are as advertised by the club. The Club reserves the right to substitute replacement products or benefits as part of the Membership in place of any product or benefits advertised in promotional material. Where this occurs, the Club will endeavour to alter the particular Membership to a different benefit which is of equal or grater value. Any changes will be communicated to the member via email.
  • Bournemouth Rugby membership/payments is processed through GMS, Spond and Xero. Terms and conditions for use of these sites can be found


“Member” means the person who is intended end user of the Membership

“Club” means Bournemouth Rugby

“Membership” Playing and non playing memberships

General membership terms

1.The Member is deemed to agree to these Terms (i) at the point of payment of the relevant Membership fee, or (ii) if no Membership fee is applicable, at the point of signing up to the relevant Membership. Any individual purchasing a Membership for a third party shall be deemed to be acting with the authority of the Member for whom they are making that purchase, including acting with the authority of each such Member to agree to these terms and conditions on their behalf. Members should allow up to 30 days from date of purchase or signing up to a Membership for a Membership pack to be available to collect from the club (if applicable to their Membership).

2.By purchasing or using a Membership a Member is representing that they are a supporter of the Club. The Club shall be entitled to refuse an application from, or suspend or cancel the Membership of, any Member who: (i) it believes is not a genuine supporter of the Club; or (ii) does not provide the personal details or information that the Club reasonably requires to process or maintain their Membership.

3.The Club reserves the right to re-brand or re-name a respective Membership or introduce additional membership schemes at any time. Members may, at the discretion of the Club, be transferred to any such additional or replacement scheme without prior notice provided always that they shall be entitled to the same or substantially similar benefits under the new scheme as they were entitled to under the scheme of which they were a Member, and provided that no further cost shall be payable by that Member unless otherwise expressly agreed by that Member. Nothing in these terms and conditions guarantees a Member will be entitled to become a member of any other official membership scheme.

4.The Club shall use all reasonable endeavours to provide the Membership package as described, however, the Club specifically reserves the right to alter any aspect of the Membership if, in the Club’s sole discretion, it considers such change to be necessary and reasonable. Where the Club does decide it must make a change that involves particular Membership benefits, it shall endeavour to provide a different benefit which is of equal or greater value. Any such changes to this effect will be communicated to the Member via email.

5.Any match / season ticket obtained via Membership benefits will be subject to the relevant terms and conditions.

6.For the avoidance of doubt, these Terms are between the Member and the Club regardless of the manner in which the Membership has been obtained. For Youth Members or any other Members who are minors, the relevant Member’s parent/guardian is responsible for ensuring that the Member complies with these Terms, and the Club assumes that such parent/guardian has made the relevant Member aware of these Terms.

7.By purchasing a Membership a Member consents to their personal information being shared with the Club so that the Club may fulfil its obligations (being the fulfilment of the relevant Membership this includes sharing members details with the relevant governing body including RFU and GBWR). The use of information provided by a Member (including a Member’s personal data) is governed by the Club’s Privacy Policy, details of which are at privacy policy (Click to open)

8.Membership is personal to each Member, is not transferable and shall not be transferred or re-sold under any circumstances, except where expressly permitted by the Club in its absolute discretion. Membership cards (if applicable), including their copyright, will remain the property of the Club at all times. The Club reserves the right to require the immediate return of a Member’s Membership card at any time.

9.So that the Club can effectively communicate with Members, each Member must provide the Club with up to date contact details and keep the Club informed at all times of any changes to such contact details.

Available memberships

  1. The price payable for the respective Membership (if applicable) is set out on the club’s website.
  2. Where a Member obtains a match or season ticket for any home match, that ticket shall not be re-sold or transferred to anyone else in any circumstances


  1. Bournemouth Rugby membership start from the 1st August and are valid for 12 months. Membership purchased after this date have a start date of the 1st August. Within a reasonable timeframe prior to the end of the 12-month Membership period, the Club will contact the Member to inform them that their Membership is coming to an end, and provide details for the Membership’s renewal process. The terms of such Membership for the subsequent period, including price payable, may differ from the previous period. The exception to a membership being valid for 12 months is where a part or end of season membership is purchased. Then the membership will valid to the end of the current season.

13.Failure to respond to the Club’s renewal communication will be deemed to be an intention by the Member to allow their Membership to expire, in which case Membership will not be renewed and will be cancelled.


14.No warranty is given by the Club in relation to the relevant Membership and the Club shall not have any liability to the Member (other than liability for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the Club) for any injury, loss, damage or expense of any nature arising under this Agreement, whether such liability arises in contract, tort (including, without limitation, negligence), statute or otherwise.


15.The Club reserves the right to:

  • suspend the use of a Member’s Membership and/or all or some of its associated benefits for a period of time;
  • withdraw the use of a Member’s Membership and/or all or some of its associated benefits completely;
  • terminate a Member’s Membership;
  • prevent a Member (either indefinitely or for a period of time) from attending any future match of the Club; and/or
  • bar a Member from any future application process conducted in respect of season/match tickets;

in any of the following circumstances:

  • the Member fails to comply with these Terms or otherwise misuses the Membership;
  • the Member breaches any of the terms and conditions of any other Club-related scheme in which they are participating;
  • the Member is prohibited (whether by law or otherwise) from attending any sports ground (including the Stadium) or is the subject of football related criminal or civil proceedings;
  • the Member supplies any false or misleading information in any form or application;
  • the Member fails to adhere to these Terms or acts in a manner which the Club considers is detrimental to its interests or is likely in the reasonable opinion of the Club to bring the game of Rugby or the Club into disrepute; or
  • any monies are due from a Member to the Club (in respect of the Member’s Membership or otherwise).

For the avoidance of doubt, failure to observe this clause 15 will, at the Club’s sole discretion, also entitle the Club to prevent the Member from purchasing or obtaining any match day or season ticket, hospitality package, or other Membership maintained, offered or organised by the Club, and will entitle the Club to prevent the Member from accessing the Stadium and/or ban the Member from attending future matches or other events for such time as the Club deems appropriate.

16.The Club shall not be obliged to make any refund to a Member if their Membership and/or any associated benefits are suspended or withdrawn or if their Membership is terminated by the Club.

17.if a Membership is cancelled by a Member, no refund will be paid to the relevant Member for any remaining period of Membership.


18.If any provision of these Terms is declared by any judicial or other competent authority to be void, voidable, illegal or otherwise unenforceable the provision shall be amended in a reasonable manner or it may be severed from these Terms and in either event the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

19.The Club shall at any time be entitled to transfer its rights and obligations under these Terms to another organisation within its group. The Club confirms that: (i) any such transfer shall not adversely impact the Member and/or their Membership; and (ii) it shall use reasonable endeavours to inform Members of any such transfer (for example, by placing a notice on its website of such transfer).

20.Failure by the Club to exercise or a delay by the Club in exercising a right or remedy provided under these Terms or by law does not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy or a waiver of any other remedy. A waiver of a breach of any of the terms of these Terms does not constitute a waiver of any other breach and shall not affect the other terms and conditions hereof.

21.These Terms (along with the ticket terms and conditions and the ground regulations for a match if applicable) constitute the entire agreement between the parties and no party shall have any claim or remedy in respect of any statement, representation, warranty or undertaking, made by or on behalf of any other party in relation to these Terms.

22.The Club reserves the right to change these Terms from time to time (for example, to make changes to the renewal process or to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements), and shall endeavour to publicise such changes on its website or communicate such changes to Members by email.

  1. These Terms shall not affect a person’s statutory rights as a consumer.
  2. These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the Club and the Member irrevocably agree that any disputes arising under it (and whether contractual or non-contractual) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Club reserves the right to pursue legal proceedings in a competent court of the Member’s domicile, where such proceedings shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with English law.