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The outstanding spirit and dedication by the Under 8’s

The outstanding spirit and dedication by the Under 8’s


The Bournemouth U8s end-of-season awards ceremony was a memorable event that celebrated the remarkable achievements and progress of the young players. Throughout the season, these talented players demonstrated their TRED values, making it a privilege to coach them.

The team would not be as sucessful as it is without the Coaching team, James, Dan, Dan, George, Jamie, Dean, John, and Ben (who will be leaving the team) the commitment and the fun they bring to training sessions and fixtures is amazing. Their presence and efforts, rain or shine, made a significant impact on the young players’ development. A special mention has to go to team manager Gordon, who works diligently behind the scenes to ensure the smooth running of each week, from organising training locations to coordinating with visiting teams. The players wouldn’t be able to attend without the support of their parents, in bringing their children to practices and allowing the coaching staff to impart rugby knowledge and foster an enjoyable experience for all.

Players’ Player Award. This coveted accolade was determined by the votes of all the players themselves. The recipient of this award had left a lasting impression since joining the team, displaying a remarkable 86.7% attendance record. Always arriving with a beaming smile and a positive attitude, this player stood out as an exemplary team member. They consistently supported their teammates from the sideline and displayed leadership skills when organizing their fellow players during games. During training sessions, they were attentive and often the go-to person for demonstrations. Phoebe was honored with this year’s Players’ Player award, reflecting her outstanding contribution to the team.

The coaches had the difficult task of selecting the “Coaches’ Player” award. After much deliberation and collaboration, they unanimously agreed on one player who consistently exemplified a positive and infectious attitude. This player approached every session with enthusiasm and readiness. On the pitch, they inspired their teammates and served as a reliable asset when facing challenging defensive situations. During training, they exhibited a willingness to listen, learn, and execute tasks with confidence. Rafferty was the deserving recipient of the Coaches’ Player award, acknowledging their significant impact on the team’s performance.

Recognising individual growth and improvement, the next award celebrated the “Most Improved Player.” Evaluating the young lions from the start of the season to the most recent tournaments, the coaching team was impressed with the progress of every player. However, one individual stood out for taking their game to the next level, embodying the complete package. This player demonstrated exceptional skills as a ball carrier, showed mastery in tagging opponents, and above all, proved to be a true team player. Travis was ecstatically presented with the Most Improved Player award, commending their remarkable development.

To honor a player who best exemplified the values of Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline, and Sportsmanship (TREDS), a special award was created. This player had an outstanding season, consistently embodying these values in their actions on and off the field. Throughout the season, they earned the respect of their teammates and seamlessly integrated into the squad. Arthur was honored with the TREDS award, recognising their tremendous contributions and positive influence.

The outstanding spirit and dedication displayed by each and every player in the team deserve high praise. Their unwavering commitment throughout the season has been truly remarkable. As the coaches reflect on the accomplishments of this season, they are filled with excitement and anticipation for the future. With a strong desire to support the players in their ongoing growth and development, the coaching staff eagerly looks forward to the challenges that lie ahead in the next season. The U8s, fueled by their inspiration and motivation, are ready to embrace new opportunities and continue their rugby journey with the same unwavering passion and enthusiasm that made the season so exceptional.
